Monday, September 03, 2007

Local Eating Challenge: Walnut Gleaner

Reed & I found these walnuts under (& on) a tree near downtown Santa Rosa last week. Unsure of the results of such random pickings, we were pleasantly surprised to find delicious nutmeat inside. We shelled them & then dried them in the sun for an afternoon.

More recently, I've become obsessed with my food dehydrator. Pears, apples, figs, & hot peppers have all found their way to dehydrated goodness.

1 comment:

Cosmic Monkey said...

I've been thinking about making some acorn flour up here in the frigid north, but there's tannins in them so they are somewhat poisonous.

I also want to perfect my dehydrating technique so I never have to buy camping food again!

Miss you up here in MN.