Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tom sez: "Diet Coke + vitamins = healthy beverage!"

For those of you who have yet to read Tom Philpott's food blogs, he often comes with a side order of sarcasm. And, yes, that is one reason why I like him so much. This week he says, "Diet Coke + vitamins = healthy beverage!" & when he says "healthy," he means "ridiculously nutritionless." That's right, if goddamned Diet Coke can't sell you on "low calories" or the "fact" that "beautiful people" actually "drink" their product, they are now going to try to sell you some context-free nutrients floating around in there too, nutrients that will do NOTHING for you. I repeat, the nutrients will not be absorbed by your body & will literally end up in your toilet bowl where they will, unfortunately, continue to be useless to you. (I suggest you then send said nutrients back to Diet Coke for reprocessing. Reduce, reuse, recycle, renutrient!)

This is for all you chronic soda drinkers out there. It's OK. Just put the can down. Put the can down....


JB aka JayBee said...

I completely agree with this sentiment regarding mass marketed carbonated beverages. I don't know why carbolic acid (isn't that what this stuff is?) has become an acceptable thing to drink. Perhaps I am blessed with some sort of immunity to addiction, but I just think this stuff is gross. Juice, water, milk, tea or even coffee would be better for your body... but soda addicts continue to suck this toxic stuff down.

Cosmic Monkey said...

Is beer better then soda??!! Tell me now!!

Unknown said...

yes, beer is better than soda. WAY better! but that's just my personal opinion more than anything....